Thursday, July 8, 2010

Notes from the terrified!

NOT a small stretch of unpaved, narrow dirt road.....a mile of narrow unpaved dirt that was cliff side. Absolutely terrifying for someone with a fear of heights. Why do I set myself up for such emotional torment? Well, I love being frightened and I thrive on accomplishment......and Mandi is VERY persuasive! At one point, I was so overcome with fear that I started breathing rapidly and started to get light headed. "I can't make it", I whispered into the SCALA rider. "I have to turn around, I'm so sorry...." "Yes you can, Guss!" (my nick) "YOU CAN DO THIS!", Mandi said with confidence. "Just talk to me." And talk we did. All the way up and back down, Mandi warned me of oncoming traffic, letting me know when I could safely hug the inside of the road. Had we been unable to communicate, I surely would have had a panic attack and perished on the side of the mountain!

Live Free or Die.

By Mandi
Ok, I was under the impression that Mt. Washington in New Hampshire was precarious for it's unpredictable high winds and low temps. I had no idea the road was so severe and gravel in a short stretch and narrow at certain points. Not for the faint of heart not for the fear of heights or if you are having an emotional day. It was a test of nerves and skill and desire to live through it. The cool thing is that Mt. Washington is in the path of the Appalachian Trail it also has it's own Post Office with it's own zip code 03589. It also has a gift shop that requires several chains to stay anchored in its location. Funny the state motto is Live Free or Die. Don't prisoners make license plates? That was always the joke. Anyway we are alive but with a greater appreciation for Mt. Washington.

Monday, July 5, 2010


Rock Lobstererer er er....motion in the ocean ooh aah....down down down....(I hope you are hearing the B52s in your head as you watch this video!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Friends in the strangest places.

Just so happens that my friend and colleague at the Free Press Susan Tusa's daughter is up running around Acadia National Park. How cool for Barb and I to have a picnic lunch with Andra and her pup Syd on Cadillac Mt. in Acadia. We had fresh strawberries, freshly baked bakery bread, apples and of course Vermont chedar. But most of all it was cool to hear of Andra's travels she made me feel 26 again (her 26th birthday was yesterday). She is doing some gypsy traveling with Syd and learning about the world and its beauty. She is a beauty.

And then there was FIRE!

The princess and the fire starter.


If nothing else we made it! Yesterday July Second was a great leisurely drive up the coast from Rockport to Acadia. Now we are camping with no electricity so it makes blogging multimedia a bit difficult...videos to come so stand by. Our drive was great we stopped in Camden for lobster more lobster. We can't get enough. We stopped at this place owned by L.L. Bean's granddaughter Linda Lorraine Bean. Go figure. Anyway the lobster roll sandwich was fabulous. Acadia is beautiful. We are camping no showers so we heated water over the fire last night (the one you see) and had our own little bird bath.

Friday, July 2, 2010


Thank you Frank for rebuilding my wire harness! Not only that, they took the stock links off of a bike on their floor to install on Pearl! Clearly, Mike and his team at Menneto Powersports went out of their way to get me on the road in only 3 1/2 hours! In addition to good service, they unfortunately had insight from having installed the lowering kit for one of their customer. It ripped his wiring harness out too. They will no longer install the links and I'll encourage Dan at Tom Clark to do the same. An important note is that this is an aftermarket product, not a Victory product. Victory rocks!
There's more to the towing story, but I was too distressed to share it when I was writing from the repair shop the other day. Feel my pain as I write......I was riding in the truck with Sean (our towing hero). Mandi rode ahead so she could grab fuel. We were to meet at the service station.
Sean and I headed down the ramp to exit the highway. My head was turned so I could watch Pearl as we rode along. I had my helmet on so Mandi and I could continue to communicate. When making the right turn into the gas station to meet Mandi, I watched my sweet Pearl tip and fall on the flat bed truck. I started screaming "F@#K...F@#K"...F@#K..." My heart sunk and I was filled with saddness and distress apparently Mandi could pick me up faintly in her helmet and almost left the gas station without paying because it freaked her out she had no idea what was going on but could hear my panic.
At that point Mandi rushed out of the store only to see Pearl on her side and the tow guy and I struggling to lift her. The three of us lifted and repositioned Pearl. I was out of my head, biting my forged steel Beam sun glasses so hard my teeth prints are imprinted on the right stem. It was all I could do to keep from weeping. What can I say, I'm an emotional woman who loves her motorcycle! I'm so grateful Mandi was there! I think Sean was too....
Thank you my friend!

PS. After a long day of riding from Brattleboro VT. July 1st we made it to the coast of Maine. We were exhausted but the pay dirt was finding little cabins on the gorgeous rocky coast line, a beautiful sunset with wine and a turning point in our otherwise crazy trip. We still laugh every time Mandi repeats Barb's famous line during the Pearl melt down..."Why is this happening to me" a now useful humorous catch phrase that fits with most everything.
PSS. We are now off to Acadia...where I imagine it might be hard to post so bare with us. Thanks so much for your attention to this blog. Love, Mandi and Barb