Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Hammer

The Hammer is down as we chisel the miles away. Kind of tedious hence the trivia game to keep you busy. Final posts to come that will include random photos and video. We love you! Hope you had as much fun as we did. Oh, September 5th is Barb's birthday..shhh... and I snore apparently.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Contest Time!! Win cool Navajo jewelry!

You might be a lucky winner by answering these 10 simple trivia questions about the Black and Bleu blog!

1. What day did Mandi and Barb meet in Dayton?
2. What color did Barb turn all of Mandi's laundry?
3. What river did Mandi and Barb raft with Liz?
4. What was the name of the campground where Mandi blew up the camp stove?
5. What is the elevation of Mt. Evans?
6. What year is the penny Mandi found in her change?
7. How old does Barb look? (the whole contest hinges on this question)
8. What city did Barb and Mandi go bicycling in?
9. Who shot George Tiller?
10. What is Navajo word for Grand Canyon?
Email answers to
or post on blog!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

To the edge.

Barb narrates a morsel of our experience to the Grand Canyon, one of the seven natural wonders of the world.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

To our loyal blog heads!

We have literally been out of cell phone range for two days. Please stay tuned for some of the most cool postings yet to come. Right now we are about to have breakfast surrounded by Vermilion canyon walls. We are in Marble Canyon. Mandi

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Canyons to Arches

Just when you think the landscape can't become more profoundly beautiful. Why didn't I know this was here? Amazing. Barb and I left Fruita after a great stay with Liz and family. We traveled on 128 in Utah into Moab. Checked into a motel and headed for Arches National Park. Good plan as the best time to summit Arches is in the late evening light. All of the earth gods and goddesses were on our side. Thank you mother nature. Mandi

Rafting the Colorado River

Rafting the Colorado at dusk with Liz and her puppy, Lucy. Gorgeous.

Fruita Colorado and Lizard!

We made it to Fruita to see my friend Liz and her family who took us in for the night and rafting down the Colorado. Liz and I used to work on archaeological digs together we haven't seen each other in 17 years. I think Barb was more stressed out about turning all of our laundry pink than rafting on the river.

Running on empty.

Saturday was hot. We were warned about the desert. We found a fellow cyclist pushing his bike that ran out of gas. We helped him out. Shawn is in the Air Force based in Denver, he was pushing/ driving through Vail.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

My dad's blues!

Dad if your are following this blog. I am packing to travel to my next destination and just put on that Buddy Guy CD you gave me....OMG....great travel music. Love it love you! Mandi

Friday, August 21, 2009

Motocross 101

Barb and I took motocross class today. Pretty fun. I wish we could have pushed our boundaries more but they have to teach a certain way. These women were great from from California.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Into Thin Air!

Wow at 14,000 feet air is like skim milk or low calorie beer except you can't breath.

Camping Take 2

We managed to find a National Forest camp ground after our Rocky Mt. National Park adventure with virtually no one in it on Wednesday night.

Rocky Mt. Mamas!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

FYI to our blog followers!

First, Barb and I would like to thank you all for playing a part in our trip. Tonight we might very well be out of cell phone range or transmitting via computer range. SO that said please stay tuned for updates to come when we reach civilization. Mandi

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Sarah my biking buddy from way back insisted we strecth our legs and ride into Ft. Collins on cruiser bikes. What fun it was to get our blood circulating. Though Barb was a bit hesitant she conquered her fear. A woman who drives a 1300 cc motorcycle. Whu?

Made it to Ft. Collins!

Barb and I drove to Ft. Collins by way of the Peak to Peak highway....GORGEOUS!! Hooked up with my college buddy Sarah from UGA. She and her partner Valerie took us in for the night!

Good Weather for Leather!

Heading into the hills today. More later! Cool and beautiful skies. We have thread the needle so-to-speak with all of the crazy storms. Mandi

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hog Heaven

Maggie and I went to high school together and were college roommates. Still kind, gracious and a lot of fun; Maggie,her husband Brad and pup Sophia, showed Mandi and me great hospitality.


Relying on the kindness of strangers. We met motorcycle enthusiast Ed Eagleboy and gas station owner at the Colorado border. He and his wife were awesome. Mandi

Kansas is windy REALLY windy!!


Sunday was quite the day. We were on the road by 8 and though the local forecast was calling for thunderstorms, it was a beautiful day. Some clouds were scattered throughout the blue sky, the air was cool and the sun was warm on our back as we road west to make our way through Kansas.

We knew to expect crosswinds, and likely this was a comparatively mild day, but as we pushed on they seemed to become more significant. It wasn't an unpleasant encounter by any means, but after a few hours of battling the fierce crosswinds, the muscles in my neck and shoulders became taut. As I leaned forward into the wind,neck and elbows aligned, holding tight to the bars, it brought back memories of riding my dirt bike as a kid. I love the physics of motorcycling,riding fast and cornering low, so I found myself quite pleasured by this endurance challenge.

As I was riding through Kansas, wondering about the people who live here, my mind and heart honored the memory of Dr. George Tiller, a veteran and compassionate man who chose to carry on the legacy of service to women that his father began decades ago. Dr. Tiller was assassinated by Scott Roeder, an American terrorist our nation softly regards as an "anti-abortion activist". As I road past the military convoy I felt sad for the loss of our soldiers and angry about the war in Iraq. I allowed myself the passion, drama and fury to liken Osama bin Laden to Scott Roeder, both terrorist and martyrs for their cause, but only one made to be villain that he truly is....

Thank goodness for the Kansas wind, there to harness my energy and to Mandi for interrupting my thoughts with her great sense of humor.


Made it to Colorado.

Wow we made if nothing else. I am behind on my multimedia so staytuned for fun stuff to come. Mandi

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Are we in Kansas Dorothy?

Pounding out the miles!

Well today we had a bit of a late start due to the fire that nearly burned off my finger prints and I have forgotten how much work camping is hence our decision to stay at a hotel tonight. We are in Kansas, I was going to avoid a Wizard of Oz reference but they sell the chotchkies everywhere. I got to thinking (lots of miles of corn to think) "Hey Kansas are you as tired of the Dorothy and Toto references as I am "Hey didn't Barry Manilow write a song about you?" Why couldn't it have been Mick Jagger or B.B. King or Kiss or Kanye West or hell, Ethel Merman? Why Barry Manilow...sorry I digress. And honestly I don't mind but really it could have been somebody a bit cooler than Manilow, right? This trip has been one of discovery. Today we stopped at the Brown Vs. The Board of Education landmark in Topeka. I couldn't get that illustration out of my head by Norman Rockwell "The Problem We All Live With". You know the one that shows Linda Brown being escorted to school by the police in 1954. Wow. Yesterday I got change from a Pilot gas station (I hardly ever look at my change) when we were in either Indiana or Illinois or who knows some state in the mid-drift. I looked and the penny I got was an 1899 Indian head penny. Can you say anachronism What the? I was wondering is it the strained economy that lead that penny into recent circulation or did it ever leave circulation? I wonder who the first person was to earn that penny? Who was president in 1899. Oh, right, William McKinley 25th (ok I didn't know that off the top of my head) and sadly he met his demise in 1901 at the hands of an assassin. My grandparents are about all I could link to 1899 they were born not long after 1909ish. I have the penny in my tank bag where I can see it so I can think about it and make up stories in my head. Today when Barb and I had to pull over due to unforeseen traffic and weather I found a mans silver ring. Who's ring and why? I wonder what I will find tomorrow? Mandi

Learning our equipment!!

Mandi trying to make espresso gives camp fire a whole new meaning!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Finally got outta town.

Ok, all hell broke loose in Detroit today which made the prospects of leaving town more inviting. Though it goes back to the reasons I stay in Detroit...Never a dull moment.. NEVER. Sadly today police found a body believed to be a victim of a recent carjacking. Also there was a fiery crashing high speed chase into a burger joint this morning and I sat in court to photograph the arraignment of Detroit Public School officials accused of embezzlement. Embezzlement? Yes stealing from children in Detroit essentially. I invite you to check out if you don't believe me. But alas I am in Dayton, perhaps not the most romantic beginnings considering Barb and I are staying in a Motel 6. But, hey, Motel 6 comes highly recommended from my travel guru buddy William Archie. A man who has literally traveled to Timbuktu and all over the world loves Motel 6. Go figure. Barb laughed when I pulled up in my Grinch That Stole Christmas sleigh. I do have a ton of things. Ridiculous like stacked up hat boxes or something. We giggled all through dinner so happy to begin this adventure and actually witnessed a revival of sorts in the produce section if the local Meijers. "Jesus almighty and blessed Jesus" Said a woman holding the hands of her friends. We walked by and bought our water. Holy water. What's not to love? Mandi

Leaving the Burgh

Bleu is packed up and ready to go!! She’s patiently waiting in the parking lot as I finish a half day at the office. I’m really excited to report that backing into the parking space this morning gave me a nice surprise! At 5’1” and 115 pounds, I was concerned that I’d have trouble moving the extra weight, but much to my delight having back support makes the bike really easy to move. I dare suggest that we are even more agile loaded! I might have to buy a backrest….

Good luck note from Mom

You go girls! Stay safe, have a fabulous trip, keep smiling with Bugs On Your Teeth!!!
Love, Mom. Much love, Can't wait to watch the Blog. (thanks Mom, Mandi)


I finally tested my gear packed on my bike for the long trip. Diane says I look like the Grinch that stole xmas in that scene where he has packed the sleigh to critical mass. I uploaded the photo for full effect. Will be departing after work today. Hope I don't get stuck in Canada where I have an assignment this morning. I promise these posts will get more interesting. Mandi

Monday, August 10, 2009

Black-Very much looking forward to this trip. Excited about venturing into the unknown. The amazing smells that make riding a motorcycle so inherently different then any other mode of travel. I am very much looking forward to stimulating that part of the brain that is the adventurer and sharing this with Bleu....a long time friend that shares the addiction of iron horses and the undying burning curiosity to find that perfect landscape.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Black & Bleu Travels

The motorcycle ride from Pittsburgh to Colorado begins Thursday, August 13th. Stay tuned for photos, video and tales from the road....